Sunday, May 14, 2006

I'm bored.

Bored of getting rivered when I'm a favourite

Bored of grinding out 5 hour sessions for $2 or -$500

Bored of playing tournaments for 2 hours just to bubble

Bored of playing perfect poker to lose in a race.

Bored of poker in general.

I cashed out the remaining k I have. I'm done with online for another month. April and May are sickening. It's not because I'm losing, it's because it's just boring for me.

The thrill of turning the cards and flopping isn't there. I don't care anymore if I win or lose. It feels like I'm playing because I have to, which makes me play worse. I need to get the fun back, but I don't know where to start.

Last night I played the $50+5 DS on FTP, 18 paid, 21 were left,I picked up A-Q and pushed on the chip leader who busted me with A-3 suited. I should've thrown shit, I should've been pissed, but I wasn't. I dunno if that's good or not, but it's scary for me. There was no "Fuck that retarded donkey", no throwing my keyboard on the floor, not even a "I'll note this fuckhead and break him next time", just "whatever". I didn't care.

Either way, I have no money on thesites for the rest of the month. I probably will forget about playing live too, because even that is getting really boring. I'll work on trying to beat that punk noob Tiger Woods in his game, and pitching a perfect game in MVP Baseball 05.

Time to drink myself to sleep.


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